
Welcome to Rainbow Class

Rainbow Class is made up of Reception and Year 1 pupils.

Our Class Teachers are Miss Jones & Mrs Dooley and our Teaching Assistant is Miss Hutchinson



This is given out on a Friday to be completed and returned for the following Thursday.  In addition to this we recommend you read with your child at least four times during the course of a week.


Spellings are given out on a Friday and tested the following Friday.


physical educationOur main PE session is on a Tuesday afternoon.  PE kit consists of a red t-shirt, black shorts and plimsolls. Our younger children can sometimes find it difficult dressing and undressing so please make sure their uniform is easy to take on and off e.g. the girls can struggle with finding the right opening for arms and heads when wearing a pinafore!


Autumn Term 2017

Rainbow Class enjoyed visiting Beamish Museum on Wednesday 27th September 2017

Rainbow class have settled in to the new term really well. Our topic this term is ‘Within Living Memory’ with a focus on Toys.

Reception children have been exploring inside and outside the classroom. They are looking forward to starting to learn Phonics next week.

Year 1 have started the term learning more about numbers and addition. They are looking at the books ‘Class Two at the Zoo,’ ‘Aarrrhhh Spider!’ and ‘Who’s Our new Teacher.’

Everyone loved their first Forest School session

Click on the link below to see the overview of what the children will be learning this term.


Enjoy Easter. next term we will be looking at the books of Julia Donaldson .

Julia Donaldson Overview


Help your child with their reading using these web sites.



