WrapAround Care at Sherburn Primary School

Breakfast Club

We run a breakfast club each day from 8am. Many parents find this a useful facility. We aim to keep charges as low as possible and at present charge £3.00 a day for this service. A choice of breakfast is provided, staff supervision and activities for the children.

Tea Club

Tea club runs after school and we have 2 sessions.  The first session is 3:15-4:30pm and the second session is from 4:30-5:45pm Monday to Thursday and 4:30-5:30pm on a Friday.  Places are allocated on a first come first served basis. Children are given a snack such as beans on toast, fruit and a drink and there are a variety of activities on offer too. The cost is £4 for each session i.e. £8 for 2 sessions.  The Teaching Assistants who run Tea Club are first aid trained and have food hygiene certificates.

Both breakfast club and tea club need to be booked via email by the Thursday of the preceding week stating which sessions you require (i.e. breakfast club, Tea Club 1 session or Tea Club 2 sessions).  Payment for all sessions should be made via ParentPay.