Christmas Performance 2020

Sadly, due to COVID 19, we were unable to invite our families and friends into school to watch the children perform this year.  The children still enjoyed the fun of a Christmas production despite this and we hope you enjoy the performance – it will certainly get us all into the Christmas Spirit!

Easter Fun

On Friday 7th April at the Village Site we had our end of term reward assembly which also included an Easter Egg decorating competition for the Junior children and an Easter Bonnet competition for the Infants. Here are the 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners from each class.

It was very difficult to choose the winners as there were so many fabulous entries! Have a look at more of the children’s wonderful efforts.

The Great Sherburn Bake Off

We also held ‘The Great Sherburn Bake Off’ with 2 categories of entries – one for parents and one for children.  Again, there were some fabulous (and very tasty!) entries which were judged by Managers from Taylor Shaw. We then served coffee and cakes for parents and visitors. It was really nice to welcome the children and parents from Giant Steps Nursery to our Easter celebrations. The nursery children also paraded with their Easter bonnets and were a great hit!