Welcome to Ladybird Class
Ladybird Class is made up of Year 1 children
Our Class Teacher is Mrs Cox and our Teaching Assistant is Miss Carlyon
Your child will bring home 2 reading books. Please could you aim to read with your child at least 4 times a week. Children may also choose to borrow a book from our school library.
Spellings are given out on a Wednesday and the spelling test is on the Wednesday of the following week.
Water bottles
These should be brought into class daily. These should contain water not squash or juice.
P.E. is on a Thursday and children need to attend school wearing their PE kit (including warm black tracksuit/jogger bottoms) and appropriate shoes as it will be outdoors.
Could you please provide a pair of wellies as we often go outside to support our lessons. We also take part in Forest School Sessions, therefore it is useful for your child to have a pair of jogging bottoms and thick socks at school too.
Please ensure all clothing is clearly marked with your child’s name.
Homework will be handed out on a Thursday and needs to be returned on a Wednesday.