Hazel Class is made up of our Year 4 children.
Our teacher is Mr Forth and our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Hall.
Homework is given out on a Thursday and should be handed in the following Wednesday.
Weekly spellings are based on a spelling rule. The children are encouraged to practise their spellings using the ‘Look, Cover, Say, Write’ technique and can be practised using the Spelling Shed website. The spellings are given out on a Thursday and tested the following Thursday.
P.E day will be a Friday. Children need to attend school wearing their PE kit (including warm black tracksuit/jogger bottoms) and appropriate shoes as it will be outdoors.
We will take part in some Forest School sessions too so please keep a pair of wellies and warm trousers at school.

Mother’s Day Assembly
Parents were invited to our Mother’s Day Assembly on Thursday 16th March to celebrate and thank all mums, grans and those who care for our children. Year 4 made a special video for their mums which they would like to share with you.