Primary Schools are now required to publish alongside their Performance information a list of their childcare provision making it easier for parents to know what is available.
Sherburn Primary School offers a range of childcare provision which we have listed below:
- The School runs a breakfast club each day from 8am. Many parents find this a useful facility. We aim to keep charges as low as possible and at present charge £3 a day for this service . This is non-returnable if a child is absent, as we do have to ensure that the books balance.
- A Tea Club is run each day until 5:45pm. This consists of 2 session; one from 3:15 – 4:30pm and the second 4:30 – 5:45pm The cost of each session is £4 per child (i.e. £8 if childcare is required until 5:45pm) and a range of activities are provided for children along with a selection of hot and cold food for tea. Sessions need to be booked and paid for by a Friday for the following week.
- After School Clubs are run several nights a week and the activities offered and the age range of the children varies half termly. Details of current clubs can be found on our newsletter or by contacting the school office.
- Further information about childcare can be found at the County Durham Families Information Service