Our School Uniform

The School adopted a uniform a number of years ago and the children look very smart wearing it. It is inexpensive and many parents say that it is invaluable as it saves arguments over what can be worn for school and is considerably cheaper than fashionable clothing. Some uniform items can be ordered through school and anybody wishing to place an order or try on uniform for size should contact Mrs. Pearce in the school office.

Red sweatshirt or cardigan available through school with logo if you wish – these have initials embroidered on to help us reunite children with their clothing if it gets lost.

White polo shirt

Grey or black school trousers, skirt or pinafore (the wearing of track suit bottoms is actively discouraged)

In the summer many of the girls choose to wear a red and white checked dress.

Black school shoes (no trainers or high heels please)

Plain tights – grey or black

PE Kitplain red t-shirt and plain black shorts.This can be bought through school as a complete kit in a PE bag. Children may wear black tracksuit bottoms in colder weather.We suggest that P.E. kit is brought into school in a drawstring bag and left here most of the time. Most children take it home for washing at the end of each half-term. Children need appropriate footwear – plimsolls for indoors and trainers for outdoors.

PLEASE ensure that all clothing is labelled clearly with your child’s name. This can save an awful lot of time and distress.

A school uniform order form can be downloaded here.  This should be completed and returned to the school office.  Payment is required at the time of ordering and should be made via ParentPay.

Your child’s school uniform can also be ordered direct through our uniform supplier, Border Embroideries.  This is a more expensive way to order but may be useful if you have missed school order deadlines. Uniform can be ordered directly from the website and delivered direct to your home.  Orders over £65.00 are delivered free of charge, orders below £65.00 incur a small delivery charge.  Please use the link below to visit their online shop:

The Governing Body do not allow the wearing of Jewellery at school for Health and Safety reasons. Any child who wears earrings for school will not be allowed on the playground and cannot participate in P.E. lessons.