Religious Education Intent

Sherburn Primary School’s Religious Education Curriculum is based upon the Durham Agreed Syllabus. By teaching Religious Education through a variety of media, such as Art and Drama, we aim to enable our pupils to develop an understanding of how religion affects people’s lives. Through studying Christianity and world religions, pupils will be encouraged to respect others beliefs and to celebrate diversity.

As with the rest of our curriculum we will make effective use of our local area. Children will have opportunities to visit local places of worship, including Durham Cathedral and will learn about Northern Saints as well as learning about religion in the wider world.

At Sherburn Primary School we believe that it is important for our pupils to learn about religion and from religion, in order to further develop their understanding of the world around them. We aim to develop children’s knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other world faiths, promoting an awareness of the beliefs, values and traditions of other individuals, communities and cultures. Pupils will be encouraged to ask questions, show empathy towards others and to reflect upon their own beliefs and values.

Religious Education at Sherburn Primary School will engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to both ask and answer tricky questions.  Pupils will develop an understanding of religious tolerance, enabling them to see the importance of working together to combat prejudice, thus preparing them for adult life, future employment and life-long learning in our multi-cultural society.

Please click on the link to see a copy of the Long Term Curriculum Map for RE

Autumn Term Assembly Topics 2019

Spring Term Assembly Topics 2020