Design and Technology Intent

Through Design and Technology, we want our pupils to take ownership of their own ideas, and provide them with the opportunity to create something unique and that serves a purpose. This subject is particularly vital in our school as it presents pupils with a wide range of careers that they may not have otherwise considered, allows teachers to provide rich experiences that pupils may not otherwise experience, and reaches pupils who may excel at practical tasks.

Each class will be presented with a series of real and relevant problems that will springboard into projects, with pupils encouraged to draw on a range of skills (including those from subjects such as mathematics, science, computing and art) to solve them innovatively and resourcefully.

These projects will be carefully chosen to build on prior knowledge in Design and Technology and to develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed for the future. Emphasising the importance of iterative design, children will develop their resilience and independence by consistently evaluating their work throughout every step of a project.

As designers, our children will be responsible for investigating and critiquing pre-existing products, identifying the needs of users, developing and recording their own designs, problem-solving any arising issues, and making a product that satisfies their own design criteria, all whilst considering the relevant context of the project.

Furthermore, they will also receive direct experience in working with a wide-range of age-appropriate tools and materials, developing their technical knowledge. In order to develop our pupils’ understanding of nutrition, every class will also be challenged with a food-based project, providing them with the opportunity to learn how to cook a range of nutritious, balanced and tasty food.