Oak Class Year 3 & 4
Mrs. Cox is the Class teacher and Miss Barnett HLTA
Maecenas a turpis eget felis dignissim finibus imperdiet nec augue. Ut et fringilla quam, suscipit interdum erat. Mauris tristique nibh et urna fermentum, sed rutrum mauris auctor. Mauris erat arcu, congue eu dolor sit amet, tempus tincidunt lorem. Vestibulum in justo mauris. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi quis nunc eu felis faucibus tempus. Pellentesque tempus sit amet nibh eu ornare. Nulla sed urna ut lectus tempor tempor. Nunc vitae nunc ultrices, mattis sem in, tempus felis. Phasellus vel arcu imperdiet, dictum diam ut, scelerisque dolor. Pellentesque id malesuada orci, sed blandit quam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras in mauris leo. Vestibulum sed posuere nibh.
Weekly homework tasks are set for the children to practise skills they have been learning in class. Homework is set on a Friday and should be returned on a Thursday.
The children can improve their ability to accurately recall multiplication facts using online games, TTRockstars and Times tables
Spelling Shed is the online platform that is used to access the weekly spellings. The children’s account also has a ‘Mastery’ section, this AI program identifies areas of strength and weakness and provides opportunities for children to deepen their understanding of concepts.
PE lessons are Tuesday afternoon. Children should change into a red t-shirt, black shorts and suitable footwear.
Every child will be given a reading book at an appropriate level according to their ability. Please help support your child by hearing them read at least three times a week and signing their diary with any comments you would like to make. Children read their books every day in class, so please ensure they bring their books in on a daily basis. Children with Lexia logins would also benefit from accessing the programme at home for at least 20 minutes a week if possible.
Bug Chants
Spring Term 2023
Oak Class are really enjoying the book Stone Age Boy and have enthusiastically taken part in our debate. The teams discussed whether life was better in Stone Age or Modern Times.Year 3 created some great cave art and write some amazing Stone Age stories based on the...