Caterpillar Nursery

At present we offer 15- and 30-hour nursery places for children from the age of 3.
who aren’t three at the start of the new school year (September) can join our nursery the term after they turn 3.

Morning sessions run from 9:00am – 12:00pm

Afternoon sessions run from 12:00pm – 3pm

 Our EYFS lead is Mrs Parkin, who is also the school SENCO and Forest School Lead; she is ably assisted by a number of EYFS trained teaching assistants.

 At present Nursery children join our Reception children for registration. They are then are taken to their own Nursery space for their teaching input, for small group tasks and independent play.

They join with Reception children after snack time and access continuous provision. This means that they are able to explore the large outdoor space in Butterfly garden and can develop their gross motor skills through sessions on the bikes, trikes and scooters on our school playground.

 The children spend a session a week in our Forest School area. This helps to develop their vocabulary, their problem-solving skills and turn taking through activities such as den building, they learn about plants and animals through minibeast hunts and scavenger challenges and thoroughly enjoy outdoor craft sessions using natural materials.

 You are very welcome to come into school to look around our setting. Please contact the school office to arrange a visit. We look forward to meeting you and to showing you around.

 To apply for a place please either pop into our school office to collect a form or download the form from our website.