Year 4&5 Rowan Class

Rowan Class is consists upon a mix of Year 4 & 5 children.

Our teacher is Miss Wilkinson and our HTLA is Miss French.

We strive to do our best both in class and when we engage in play activities outside.

 Literacy lessons are based around class texts.

Maths lessons are based on the White Rose Scheme of work.



Homework is given on Friday and needs to be back by the following Thursday.


It is expected that children read a minimum of 3 times a week at home.


Spellings will be given and tested on Friday.


PE day is Thursday unless a coach is in. Children can get changed in school and our PE teacher is Miss Barnett. 

PE uniform is black joggers and a red PE top.



Rowan Class will be swimming at Shotton Primary from Spring Term.


Recent Activities