Year 2&3 Dragonfly Class

Welcome to Dragonfly Class

Dragonfly Class is a mixed class of year 2 and 3 children. The class teacher is Mr Forth supported by Miss French, Miss Pinkerton and Miss Carlyon.

 An exciting and challenging year, the children will develop to work with greater stamina and independence encouraged by a wide range of stimulating curriculum opportunities. We endeavour to inspire and nurture our children through fun and engaging tasks. We celebrate our achievements in and out of school, encouraging one another to always do our best. Click here to go straight to our Gallery page.

 If you have any queries regarding Dragonfly Class the best way to contact the class teacher is via DoJo (if you have a child in the class) or via the admin email address.


We love reading at Sherburn Primary and want to foster a love of books in all our children.  Therefore, we will have daily reading sessions in class and hope that you will support us by hearing your child read at home too.

Initially, the Class will be assessed, and children will be given two reading books to bring home – one will focus on the sound they are learning (such as ‘oo’) and the other will be a book that progresses through our Accelerated reading scheme .This allows the children to process at their own pace. After reading this book, your child will complete an online quiz which measures their understanding of the text. 

Please can you ensure your child brings their reading folder in daily and complete an entry in your child’s reading record when they have read with you at home so we can hand out points and rewards and monitor your child’s progress.


Homework (will be given out on Fridays and collected in on Fridays)

Throughout the year you child will regularly be given a small amount of homework linked to the work they have completed during the week. We feel that homework is important to develop positive study habits and independence. Please support your child to be successful and encourage them to complete this within the time given as a positive outlook towards homework now will greatly benefit your child at school and beyond.


On Fridays children should arrive at school in their PE kits
– plain black shorts or track suit bottoms, a red t-shirt and appropriate footwear.
P.E attire is available to purchase from the office at the beginning of the year.