Welcome to Ladybird Class


Ladybird Class is made up of our Year 2, Year 3  and Year 4 children

Our Class Teacher is Mrs Smith


Homework is given out on a Friday and should be handed in the following Wednesday.


Spellings are given out on a Friday and the children are tested on the following Friday. Common exception words for Year One and Two are at the front of homework books and children need to practise these if they are not known.


P.E. takes place on Wednesday. Please ensure your child has the correct P.E. kit – this consists of a red t-shirt, black shorts and plimsolls or trainers.


Raw Enduro Junior Auto 2018 Championship

We would like to celebrate the amazing achievement of an outside of school sporting activity. One of our Year 2 children has been participating in Motocross racing for just over a year and had entered into this year’s Junior Auto 2018 Championship event and won the first round!

Children in Need 2017

The children had great fun helping to raise money for the Children in Need Charity by coming in their own clothes for a donation, selling cakes and raffle tickets and by having a colouring competition.

Each child also had the opportunity to decorate a Pudsey Bear biscuit to take home.

Anti-Bullying Week November 13th-17th 2017

To help raise awareness for Anti-Bullying Week the Staff and pupils came to school wearing odd socks. It was an opportunity for everyone to express themselves and appreciate individuality and uniqueness. Have you ever tried to wear odd socks? It is more difficult than you think!


If your child is on the Lexia program we recommend spending at least 30-40 minutes a week using this.  Occasionally, additional homework may be brought home to consolidate learning from the program.  Use the Lexia Core 5 App on your tablet or the link below if using a PC or laptop



If your child is no longer on the Lexia program or you would like additional practice or reinforcement, the following websites may help:

BBC Education (with links information about and activities for all curriculum subjects: http://www.bbc.co.uk/education


