Hazel Class is made up of our Year 3 & 4 children. Our teachers are Miss Wilkinson and Mrs Gregory.



Maths and English homework is given out on a Friday and should be handed in the following Tuesday.



Weekly spellings are based on a spelling rule. The children are encouraged to find words that fit the rule and add them to our spelling board. The spellings are generated throughout the week and are tested on a Monday.


We have PE on a Thursday. PE kit consists of a red t-shirt, black shorts and plimsolls – please make sure your child has the correct kit in school at all times as we do have additional sessions from time to time.

Autumn Term 2020

Spring Term 2018

We have been studying the science of sound in Year 4 this term.  We have identified high and low sounds and we challenged ourselves to make an instrument with different pitches.

By the end of the lesson we were able to explain how different pitches were created.


Peter Carl Faberge was born in Russia on 30th May 1846.  He was a Russian Jeweller, best known for the famous Faberge Eggs , made in the style of genuine Easter eggs, using precious metals and gemstones rather than simple materials. Hazel Class have been designing their own Faberge Eggs.


Hazel Class have been enjoying healthy living through the FISCH Initiative (Families Initiative Supporting Children’s Health).  We are loving the programme and are excited to be taking part in this.

In Science Year 4 have been studying electricity.  We have been making circuits and have included bulbs, buzzers and some of us included switches too!

Autumn Second Half Term 2017

Hazel Class have been learning the Ukulele with Mr Charlton this term and took part in a Christmas performance on the last day of term. The children have really enjoyed learning to play an instrument!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PiyInNvm3s?rel=0&w=560&h=315]
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xq3FzIeaznY?rel=0&w=560&h=315]
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urYcEOfSkUI?rel=0&w=560&h=315]
We are continuing with our Roman topic and we made some very tasty ‘Roman Rocky Roads’ during our Art and DT lesson.

We are really enjoying learning to play the ukulele in our music lessons.

Autumn First Half Term 2017

We are studying the Romans this term and are looking forward to a trip to Segedunum on 20th October. We have been making Roman mosaics and are looking forward to making Roman shields and  are also hoping to create a Roman road too!

Here we are making pasta mosaics – our finished product was super!

We enjoyed making our Roman Staff and also found out about Roman numerals.

Here is our finished article – we are really pleased with the end result!

In English we have been studying the poems of Grace Nicolls and will be focusing on ‘Escape from Pompeii’ in the next few weeks.

Our class book is ‘Sheep Pig’ by Dick King Smith which we are all enjoying.

In maths we are looking at times tables – particularly x 9 and x 6.  Fractions, addition and subtractions and concentrating on word problems and the language relating to word problems.