Welcome to Cedar Class

Cedar Class is made up of our Year 5 children

Our Class Teacher is Miss James and Miss Judd is our Teaching Assistant.



Homework is given out on a Friday and is due in on the following Wednesday.
Homework zone


Spellings are given out on a Friday, with the spelling test being on the following Tuesday.



We have our PE lessons every Wednesday afternoon, however, we also sometimes have extra classes and activities on throughout the term. Children therefore always need to have the correct PE kit in school – this consists of a red t-shirt, black shorts and plimsolls or trainers.


 Spring Term 2018

Our day at Palace Green!

As part of this topic, we were lucky enough to visit Palace Green Museum, where we got to study real ancient Greek artefacts, perform a Greek tragedy, and even make our own votives!


Ready to Read!

We are looking at two very different books during spring term. Our first class book is ‘Animals on the Move!’ Not only is this book an entertaining read, but it is also perfect for teaching us about the migrations that different animals undertake to find food or have babies, and is our springboard into writing our very own Cedar Animal Encyclopaedia!

Next, we are looking at the fairy tales that were collected by the Brothers Grimm (die Brueder Grimm in German!) as part of our topic on Europe. We’re going to be closely analysing the different texts, looking for the morals of the story and then writing our very own fairy tale!


The juniors are studying Europe as our topic this spring, and cedar class has chosen to focus on Germany in particular! This is because many of us attended Miss James’ German after school club last year and we want to know more about this interesting country. Once we’ve looked at Europe as a whole, we’re going to look closely at Germany, studying how some of its famous natural features have formed and how people have settled across the country. We’re particularly excited about tasting some real German snacks!






Our focus this term is life cycles. We will be comparing different life cycles, looking closely at examples of an amphibian, insect and mammal lifecycle. We hope to see some real-life examples outside once the weather improves!


Autumn Term 2017 Ancient Greece

This term, Cedar class are learning all about Ancient Greece! We’re really enjoying looking at how Ancient Greek life was so different to the lives we have today, sharing Greek myths, and researching the Olympics. So far, we’ve even designed our own Grecian urns showing a part of our lives that is meaningful to us. This topic ties together our history, geography, art, music and design and technology lessons, and gives us a springboard into some brilliant creative writing.

Material World

In Cedar class, we’re investigating the materials around us, including what makes them useful for certain jobs, how they can be manufactured, and how they are made of different arrangements of particles. We’re going to carry out some awesome experiments, such as changing between solids, liquids and gases, making things disappear and reappear, and making magical mixtures!


Beautiful Books!

We are looking at two very different books during autumn term. Our first class book is Michael Morpurgo’s ‘Friend or Foe?’ – a gripping World War 2 story full of action, suspense and friendship. Not only is this book an entertaining read, but it also gives us the perfect opportunity to practise our detective skills and look for clues from the author about how the characters are feeling and what they’re thinking. We’ve even managed to squeeze in some drama too!

After that, we are turning our attention to the natural world and reading ‘Animals on the Move!’ This books is perfect for teaching us about the migrations that different animals undertake to find food or have babies, and is our springboard into writing our very own Cedar Animal Encyclopaedia!