Welcome to Butterfly Class


Butterfly Class is made up of Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children

Our Class Teacher is Mrs Cox.




Homework is given out on a Friday and we would appreciate it if it could be brought back on the Wednesday of the following week. Please place your homework in  the homework tray which is located in the cloakroom.Homework




The children have PE on Wednesday and Friday. PE kit consists of a red t-PEshirt, black shorts and plimsolls. Our younger children can sometimes find it difficult dressing and undressing so please make sure their uniform is easy to take on and off e.g. the girls can struggle with finding the right opening for arms and heads when wearing a pinafore!


Spring Term 2020


Spring Term 2018

Click on the following link to see the overview of what the children will be learning this term.

Spring 2018 overview

Spring First Half Term 2018

Making Pancakes

The children enjoyed making and creating their own pancake recipes. We made our own delicious pancakes and the children hope to try some of these out with their family on Shrove Tuesday (13th February 2018).


Autumn Second Half Term 2017

December 2017

The children went to Hardwick Park to look at signs of winter – the scenery was beautiful as it was cold and frosty.

We had an action packed day with lots of wonderful activities.

The children began the day by writing letters to Santa. The chief elf showed us the post box which went direct to Santa’s workshop.

Next we went into the woodland area and met the Grinch. We were a little bit scared of him at first. But Brave CJ won him over by giving him a Christmas cuddle. The Grinch became much happier after that.

After that we made our own snow globes – these were glittery and shiny and perfect to brighten up any room.

Finally we went to see Santa. He knew a little bit about every child. He knew what we liked to do and about our families.

We had such a lovely day.


Anti-Bullying Week November 13th-17th 2017

To help raise awareness for Anti-Bullying Week the Staff and pupils came to school wearing odd socks. It was an opportunity for everyone to express themselves and appreciate individuality and uniqueness. Have you ever tried to wear odd socks? It is more difficult than you think!

Children in Need 2017

The children had great fun helping to raise money for the Children in Need Charity by coming in their own clothes for a donation, selling cakes and raffle tickets and by having a colouring competition.

Each child also had the opportunity to decorate a Pudsey Bear biscuit to take home.


Autumn First Half Term 2017

Click on the link below to see what the children will be learning this term.

Summer Overview 2017

Please click here to see what will be learning over the summer term.