Through a new ‘Sport Premium’ the Government is providing £150 million in each of the next two academic years (2013-14 & 2014-15) to support the delivery of PE and sport in primary schools.
This funding will be ring fenced, and will be allocated directly to primary schools across England, providing them with dedicated resource to buy in invaluable expertise and support. Primary schools will be able to determine what they believe to be the most appropriate use of this funding.
What is Sports Premium?
Sport Premium is an amount of money which the government has agreed to allocate to schools for the next two academic years (2013-14 & 2014-15). The funding amount schools receive is based upon the number of children of primary age the school has. The sport premium is to be used to
Increase the quality & breadth of PE & Sport provision, and increasing participation in PE & Sport.
Sport Premium Information
The 2013-2014 Sport Premium funding for Sherburn Hill was £3,930.00.
The money was used for:
1) Investing in the Durham & Chester-le-Street School Sport Partnership Basic Service Level Agreement to provide the school with the following:
- A full organised annual programme of competitions/tournaments/festivals in addition to the National School Games.
- Access to a set amount of transport to festivals/competitions as agreed
- Participation, inclusion and excellence opportunities
- Access to the gifted & talented multi-skill academy for Year 5 & 6 children
- CPD for curriculum physical education for staff.
- Provision of a minimum of 4 x 6 week blocks of curriculum and/or after-school activity in a variety of sports.
- SSP Network meetings to support PE Co-ordinators / PLTs in their role developing PE & sport within
- Promotion and development of links to local sports club
- Access to Phase 4 of Judo programme for every young person in school
- Access to Team Durham (Durham University) assemblies
- Central co-ordination of school sport programmes in SSP area.
2) Investing in the Durham & Chester-le-Street School Sport Partnership Enhanced Service Level Agreement to provide the school with the following:
- 30 hours of High Quality PE Teaching support
- 60 hours of High Quality coaching support
- Bespoke menu of CPD opportunities for staff
- Quality assurance of sports coaching.
3) Healthy eating week x2, educating all the children on healthy eating and drinking, and having a healthy and fit lifestyle.
4) After school P.E. clubs.
5) Change for life after school sports club.
6) Outside sports agencies/companies in house sporting opportunities for all the children
The Sport Premium Funding has impacted our school in the following ways:
The funding has given the school lots of opportunities to buy in outside agencies to deliver different sporting activities just as skipping. The chance for the children to have professional coaches to deliver high quality P.E. session in school as well as after school club.
The funding has helped us pay for fruit etc to put on healthy eating weeks and for the children to try new things and to give them the knowledge and understanding of healthy and fit lifestyles.